Watermelon Roses

A collection of random thoughts, commentaries, and journaling. There is a lot to explore here, including links to other sites of mine. These are mostly for my own benefit, but guests are welcome to browse and explore as much or as little as they like.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Trash Talk

On my way out of the house this morning, I discovered that our neighbors deposited three bags of trash in our recycling bin, I'm guessing because their trash bin was full of Christmas trash. Not only will recycling bins be left unemptied if they have trash in them, violators can be fined. How do we know it was our neighbor's trash? We looked at the address on the junk mail that was clearly facing out through their clear trash bags. Not too clever on their part.

I seethed for about 5 minutes before deciding what to do, which was to kindly return their misplaced trash to their newly emptied trash bin, and to put a note in their mailbox. I actually tried ringing their doorbell first, to give them a chance to blame their kids or something, but apparently no one wanted to be confronted. The note was pretty civil, considering, and requested that they not do it again because we didn't want hard feelings among our neighbors. Unfortunately, it may be a while until my hard feelings pass unless I get an apology, but we'll see. I'm still undecided about reporting them on Monday. Should I let this go in the spirit of forgiveness and second chances, or make sure they get the message that it's illegal?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, you probably should let it go in the spirit of forgiveness. I would report them, though. That's just me. I'm not very nice about things like this. But...you did return their trash and write the note...maybe you should give them a few days to see if they will apologize? Let me know how it goes...

11:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm guessing they won't apologize, or maybe they'll say they meant to put it in your trash bin and didn't think you'd mind since you had the room, it was dark and they made a mistake, or maybe they had an out-of-town Grandma visiting who thought she was helping and put their trash by mistake into the wrong bin...

Perhaps they were drunk?

Who knows why people do stupid things. I could see it happening in our neighborhood because the recycle bins and trash bins are similar shape and size, but one is green and the other blue... could be confusing at night or to a color-blind person.

At any rate, consider the source. They obviously have a mental handicap of some sort, and you don't want to hold that against them. I think you handled it just fine (assuming they can read, of course).


7:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nikki you did exactly what I would do- take it back, try to get them at the door and when that didn't work, write a note and hold a little grudge, atleast for a little while (if they didn't apologize).
People... can be so annoying sometimes!

5:18 AM  

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