Watermelon Roses

A collection of random thoughts, commentaries, and journaling. There is a lot to explore here, including links to other sites of mine. These are mostly for my own benefit, but guests are welcome to browse and explore as much or as little as they like.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Thanks to some great suggestions in response to "Christmas Blues," we introduced some new traditions to celebrate the first of spring this year. We knew the spring fairies had been out and about, because everywhere they alight, flowers grow, and we had been seeing new flowers for a couple of weeks. We left some cake and honey in the back yard for them, and by the time we awoke, the cake and honey were gone, and our yard was filled with colorful gift eggs and flowers.

Fairy Gifts

I gave Layth and Maya buckets and set them loose in the yard. Rayan came out with us, too, but he was content to sit and watch (and discover what pill bugs taste like) while they gathered up all the eggs and flowers. Once all the eggs were collected, I let them pick a few to open, and I put the rest away for treats (and bribes) to be used later. Some eggs contained candies, some contained dried fruits, and a very few contained magic tokens that looked suspiciously like little foam spring-themed stamps. Amazingly, I was able to work the same magic that turned Maya's pacifiers into a sticker book to turn the magic tokens into spring-themed books.

Hunting and Gathering

Comparing Treasures

We celebrated the gifts of the fairies with a breakfast of fresh fruit and powdered donuts. It took a while for all the sugar to wear off, but once it did, and the children had napped, we planted fragrant phlox to thank the fairies for their visit. We also discussed thanking God for our gifts and flowers as well as the fairies, since we believe all things (fairies included) come from Him.

New Gardening Gloves

Have a fruitful spring!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You amaze me with the imaginative way you parent. What a fun mom you are! Your fairy celebration sounds so beautiful. I may have to steal it...Molly, in particular, would love it.

As I typed the above, Molly came in (she's sick today) and said...What is that picture about? What are their names? Why do they have on our gloves (we have the same ones!)? Maya is the girl? Is she my friend? When can I see her? They have their OWN castle!!

6:49 AM  
Blogger Nikki said...

Oh, Bethany ... I've had the same thoughts about your fun parenting. My favorite is the Charlie Brown Christmas! I bet Molly and Maya would have a great time together!

8:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Bethany... you ARE a great, imaginative, loving, fun parent!!!! Happy Spring (my FAVORITE time of year!)!

4:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How fun! And what sweet pictures.

We gave up on planting things around here... I'm not a big cactus fan!
Jeanne in the desert :P

9:38 PM  

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